High Batts will be available for visits by members from Monday 25th May 2020, following some relaxation of the lockdown. There will be some new rules in order to follow the Government’s instructions for controlling the spread of Covid 19 and we would ask all who visit to follow these rules in the interests of their own and others’ safety.

  • Please practise social distancing from people not in your party. This means staying at least 2 metres from others, allowing a wide margin of space when passing others. 
  • To facilitate social distancing please follow the new additional signs in the Reserve which indicate the directions to be taken to avoid narrow footpaths.
  • The hides remain locked and are therefore not accessible.
  • Please bring and use hand sanitiser before and after your visit so that any risk from touching gates or other surfaces is minimised.
  • Please keep to the rides and footpaths.
  • The surface of the bottom car park is uneven after the floods earlier this year so exercise caution please.
  • The Portaloo is currently not available and we cannot guarantee when the hire company will be able to get this operational again so please do not rely on having this facility.
  • There is no access to the Pennycroft site, which is a working quarry.

And finally, please remember that High Batts is for nature and that the wildlife may have grown a little bolder during the last few weeks when we have all been absent so please cause the minimum of disruption whilst enjoying your visit.

Re-Opening of High Batts for Members

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