Welcome to High Batts

High Batts banner

High Batts (charity number 1151676) is a private Nature Reserve and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It’s on the river Ure near North Stainley, 4 miles north of Ripon, in North Yorkshire.

The Reserve is actively managed to optimise its biodiversity and conserve habitats and species. There’s a wealth of plant, insect, bird and animal life, including kingfishers and otters on the river.

Annual Report 2022

High Batts Annual Report 2022
High Batts Annual Report 2022

The Annual Report 2022 has been published.

See a digital version of the report here. Members who want a printed copy can order one – please get in touch.

AGM October 2024

The High Batts AGM is at 7.15pm on Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at Community House, Ripon. This is the Agenda.

Muck-In Mornings

Cutting off tree guards on Pennycroft
Cutting off tree guards on Pennycroft

Saturday Muck-In Sessions are being held. The next one is on 19th October 2024.

See the Events page for more details and for dates.


Sparrowhawk, by Trevor Baker
Sparrowhawk, by Trevor Baker

The 2024 Image Gallery is up and running.

If you have good photos you’ve taken at the Reserve and you’d like them to feature on the website, please send them in – see Contact.

About the Reserve

Blue tit on hogweed

High Batts is mixed woodland and clearings on the banks of the river Ure. There are three hides, from which members can view the wildlife at the Reserve.

Read more About the Reserve.


Stoat at High Batts
Stoat, by John Barber

You can become a member by making an application and paying the annual subscription. This gives you access to the Reserve, the opportunity to join members’ events, and more.

Find out about Membership.


Conservation is the prime purpose of High Batts, which is part of the Ripon Parks SSSI. Our species recording programme is a key part of this, as is In at the Start (a long-term project to restore a quarrying site once work finishes).


Nuthatch at High Batts

High Batts is a private Nature Reserve open to subscribing members, to visitors by arrangement, and on Open Days. There are no public rights of way on the Reserve.

Group visits can be arranged for those interested in natural history, photography, art, walking and more, as can school visits and other educational visits.

Read more about Access.


Brown Argus butterflies
Brown Argus butterflies

There are regular Members’ Muck-in Sessions, and a programme of events designed to allow members to gain new skills and learn more about nature and wildlife.

Read more about Events.


Regular news updates from High Batts: reports of Members’ Muck-ins, of our Open Days, and news of Reserve projects and awards.

Read High Batts News.