Photographs taken by members of High Batts Nature Reserve. All are subject to copyright and may not be used without permission.
Great spotted woodpecker, by Harry MarcroftKingfisher, by Harry MarcroftMarsh tit, by Harry MarcroftNuthatch, by Harry MarcroftLesser redpoll, by Harry MarcroftSparrowhawk, by Harry MarcroftSiskin, by Harry MarcroftKingfisher, by Bill TetlowDiamond back moth, by Karen HargreaveRed-headed cardinal beetle, by Karen HargreaveGreat spotted woodpecker and chick, by Karen HargreaveScorpion fly, by Karen HargreaveKingfishers, by Jon MarshallKingfisher, by Roland RogersonBrambling, by Harry MarcroftLong-tailed tit, by Harry MarcroftJuvenile kingfisher being ringed by East Dales Ringing Group, by Chris PennockNuthatch at High Batts during ringing by East Dales Group, by Phil Court