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Long-tailed tit, by Harry Marcroft
Robin, by Tony Knowles
Goosander, by Harry Marcroft
Great Spotted Woodpecker, by David Mitchell
Banded demoiselle, by Stuart Ward
Brimstone, by Stuart Ward
Brown argus, by Dennis Audsely
Canary-shouldered Thorn Ennomos alniaria, by Trevor Baker
Cinnabar Moth Larva, by Trevor Baker
Clouded Border Lomaspilis, by Trevor Baker
Common Blue Butterfly, by Stuart Ward
Common Blue Butterfly, by Dennis Audsley
Common Blue Damselfly, by Trevor Baker
Common Malachite, by Trevor Baker
Common Spotted Orchid, by Colin Slator
Emporer Dragonfly, by Colin Slator
Episyrphus balteatus, by Trevor Baker
Female Common Darter, by Stuart Ward
Field Grasshopper, by Trevor Baker
Hairy Shieldbug, by Trevor Baker
Kingfisher, by Trevor Baker
Kingfisher, by Harry Marcroft
Kingfisher, by Tony Knowles
Kingfisher, by David Mitchell
Grey Heron and Little Egret, by Michael Lockwood
Large Emerald, by Trevor Baker
Leafcutter Bee, by Colin Slator
Marbled White, by Stuart Ward
Otter, by Harry Marcroft
Otter, by Trevor Baker
Peacock Butterfly Caterpillar, by Colin Slator
Purple Thorn Selenia tetralunaria, by Trevor Baker
Red Admiral Caterpillar, by Colin Slator
Ringlet Butterfly, by Stuart Ward
Ruby Tiger, by Trevor Baker
Scorpion Fly, by Ken Readshaw
Scorpion Fly, by Trevor Baker
Scorpion Fly, by Stuart Ward
Small Skipper, by Stuart Ward
Small tortoiseshell, by Stuart Ward
Swallow Prominent, by Trevor Baker
Treecreeper, by Harry Marcroft