Little Grebe, by Trevor BakerBlackbird, by Trevor BakerGreat Spotted Woodpecker, by Trevor BakerBlue-Tailed Damselfly, by Paul NeweyChiffchaff or Willow Warbler, by Paul NeweyGrey Wagtail, by Paul NeweyJackdaw, by Paul NeweyMoorhen, by Paul NeweyWren, by Paul NeweySpotted Flycatcher, by Tony KnowlesWall Butterfly, by Tony KnowlesCommon Darter, by Tony KnowlesCormorant, by Trevor BakerBrimstone, by Ken ReadshawBrown Argus, by Ken ReadshawRed Admiral, by Ken ReadshawJay, by Paul NeweySong thrush, by Paul NeweyWoodpecker, by David MitchellCinnabar Moth Caterpillar, by Barry CarterMarsh Woundwort, by Barry CarterFemale Mandarin Duck, by Paul NeweyFlesh Fly Sarcophaga carnaria, by Trevor BakerParasitic Fly Tachina fera, by Trevor BakerNurseyweb Spider Pisaura mirabilis, by Trevor BakerYoung nuthatch, by David MitchellKingfisher, by David MitchellCommon Blue Damselfly, by Trevor BakerHoverfly Syritta pipiens, by Trevor BakerLong-legged Fly, by Trevor BakerMeadow Brown, by Trevor BakerRinglet, by Trevor BakerWhite-Letter Hairstreak, by Trevor BakerRuby-tailed wasp, by Barry CarterWoodpecker feeding juvenile, by Barry CarterKingfisher, by Ken ReadshawOtter in the pond, by Ken ReadshawOtter in the pond, by Ken ReadshawJuvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, by Colin FieldgateGoldfinch, by Colin FieldgateNuthatch, by Colin FieldgateRed and black froghopper, by Trevor BakerPoplar Hawkmoth, by Colin SlatorTreecreeper, by Stuart WardWhitethroat, by Stuart WardKingfisher, by Stuart WardBee Orchids, by Colin SlatorCommon Blue Damselfly, by Ken ReadshawJuvenile Treecreeper, by Ken ReadshawJuvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, by Ken ReadshawMandarin duck, by Ian AlexanderKingfisher, by Ian AlexanderNuthatch, by Ian AlexanderMandarin duck, by Harry MarcroftGreen woodpecker, by Harry MarcroftPhyllobius (Nemocius) oblongus, by Trevor BakerScorpion Fly Panorpa germanica, by Trevor BakerDungflies Scathophaga stercoraria, by Trevor BakerDance Fly Empis opaca, by Trevor BakerMandarin duck, by Trevor BakerMandarin duck, by Trevor BakerGrey heron with tench, by Alistair PetersonGoosander, by Trevor BakerWren, by Trevor BakerMandarin ducks, by David MitchellBuff-tailed bumblebee queen, by Trevor BakerPeacock butterfly, by Trevor BakerToads, by Trevor BakerLong-tailed tit, by Trevor BakerMarsh tit, by Trevor BakerMarsh tit, by Trevor BakerSiskin, by Trevor BakerSiskin, by Trevor BakerDunnock, by Trevor Baker