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Otter, by Paul NeweyGoosander, by Paul NeweyMale Mandarin Duck, by Darren HollidayMale Mandarin Duck, by Darren HollidayLittle Egret, by Darren HollidaySiskin, by Roberto CarboniYellowhammer, by Roberto CarboniBrambling, by Roberto CarboniWren, by Paul NeweyHeron with Frog, by Paul NeweyYellow Star of Bethlehem, by Ken ReadshawKingfisher, by Paul NeweyKingfisher in flight, by Paul NeweyRooks feeding on seed, by Paul NeweyDabchick (Little Grebe), by Ken ReadshawWych Elm Flower, by Ken ReadshawTreecreeper, by Ken ReadshawFlying Mallards, by Ken ReadshawBuzzard, by Ken ReadshawFemale Mandarin, by Paul NeweyPair of Mandarin Ducks, by Paul NeweyMallards Mating, by Paul NeweyJay, by Paul NeweyLong Tailed Tit, by Paul NeweyButterbur, by Paul NeweyGuineafowl, by Paul NeweyLittle Grebe with Fish, by Paul NeweyMandarin, by Stuart WardMandarin, by Stuart WardGreat Spotted Woodpecker, by Stuart WardGoldfinch, by Stuart WardGuineafowl, by Stuart WardMandarins, by Darren HollidayMandarin, by Darren HollidayMandarin, by Darren HollidayYellowhammer, by Darren HollidayNuthatch, by Darren HollidayHeron, by Darren HollidayRooks Invading the Feeders, by Darren HollidayMoorhen Disagreement, by Darren HollidayMoorhens, by Ron WeeksMandarin Duck, by David MitchellMandarin Duck, by David MitchellBrimstone, by Darren HollidayGreen Woodpecker, by Darren HollidayMating Mandarins, by Paul NeweyGoldfinch, by Paul NeweyNuthatch, by Paul NeweyWild Garlic, by Paul NeweyBrimstone on Bluebell, by Ken ReadshawWillow Warbler, by Ken ReadshawCollared Dove, by Ken ReadshawMoorhens Nest-Building, by Ken ReadshawMarsh Tit, by Ken ReadshawYellowhammer, by Trevor BakerMandarin Duck, by Trevor BakerPheasant, by Trevor BakerTree Sparrow, by Trevor BakerAlder Leaf Beetle, by Trevor BakerAlder Leaf Beetle, by Trevor BakerAlder Leaf Beetle, by Trevor BakerWolf Spider Pardosa nigriceps, by Trevor BakerCaddisfly Grannom, by Trevor BakerGreat Spotted Woodpecker, by Paul NeweyGreylag Geese Landing, by Paul NeweyMarsh Tit, by Paul NeweyRoe Deer, by Darren HollidayRoe Deer, by Darren HollidayWild Garlic, by Darren HollidayGreenfinches, by Darren HollidayGreenfinch, by Darren HollidayOrange Tip, by Darren HollidayBee Fly, by Darren HollidayHeron, by Darren HollidaySpeckled Wood, by Darren HollidaySpeckled Wood, by Darren HollidayTufted Ducks, by Paul NeweyGreat Tit Presenting Caterpillar, by Paul NeweyBlue Tit, by Paul NeweyChaffinch, by Paul NeweySwan and Heron on the Ure, by Paul NeweyMallard and Ducklings, by Paul NeweyPeacock Butterfly, by Paul NeweyRobin, by Paul NeweyMandarin and Ducklings, by Darren HollidayCommon Blue Damselfly, by Darren HollidayMint Moth, by Darren HollidayFemale Orange Tip, by Darren HollidayLarge Red Damselflies, by Darren HollidayMating Azure Damselflies, by Darren HollidaySawfly, by Darren HollidayWhitethroat, by Eric WardWhitethroat, by Eric WardMoorhen Chick, by Paul NeweyTree Sparrow Fledgling, by Paul NeweyCygnets Hitching a Ride, by Paul NeweyBlackbird, by Paul NeweyKingfisher, by Darren HollidayKingfisher, by Darren HollidayPheasant Chick, by Darren HollidaySoldier Beetle, Cantharis nigricans, by Trevor BakerSoldier Beetle, Cantharis pellucida, by Trevor BakerYellow Dungfly, Scathophaga stercoraria, by Trevor BakerYellow Dungfly, Scathophaga stercoraria, by Trevor BakerAlder fly, Sialis sp, by Trevor BakerRed-Headed Cardinal Beetle, Pyrochroa serraticornis, by Trevor BakerCranefly, Nephrotoma crocata, by Trevor BakerClick Beetle, Hemicrepidus hirtus, by Trevor BakerPicture-Winged Fly, Euleia heraclei, by Trevor BakerScorpionfly, Panorpa communis, by Trevor BakerBlack-Spotted Longhorn Beetle, Rhagium mordax, by Trevor BakerNursery Web Spider, Pisaura mirabilis, by Trevor BakerGreen Drake Mayfly, Ephemera danica, by Trevor BakerGreenbottle, Licilia sp., by Trevor BakerKingfisher, by Paul NeweyAdult Woodpecker Feeding Juvenile, by Paul NeweyGreat Spotted Woodpecker, by Nick BrischukBlue Tit, by Nick BrischukTeneral Male Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly, by Nick BrischukBumblebee Hoverfly Volucella bombylans, by Richard BellHoverfly Volucella pucellans, by John GardnerWhitethroat with Ghost Moth, by John GardnerFox, by David MitchellFox, by David MitchellBanded Demoiselle, by Paul NeweyComma, by Paul NeweyLarge Skipper, by Paul NeweyFemale Emperor Dragonfly, by Paul NeweyRinglet, by Paul NeweyYoung Heron With Fish, by Paul NeweySeeing Double, by Steve BlackTwo Heads, by Steve BlackWoodpeckers, by Steve BlackKingfisher, by Steve BlackHummingbird Hawkmoth, by Darren HollidaySilver-Washed Fritillary, by Darren HollidayLarge Skipper, by Darren HollidayMale Banded Demoiselle, by Darren HollidaySouthern Hawker, by Darren HollidayMallard Family, by Paul D’ArcyFemale Banded Demoiselles, by Paul NeweyHeron Eating Vole, by Darren HollidayKingfishers, by Steve Black (2020)Kingfisher, by Steve Black (2020)Bracket Fungus, by Darren HollidayMale Common Darter, by Paul NeweyYoung roe deer, by Paul NeweyGrasshopper, by Paul NeweyCommon Darter, by Darren HollidayCommon Darters, by Darren HollidayWall Brown, by Darren HollidayMale Common Blue, by Darren HollidayMale Common Blue, by Darren HollidayBrown Hawker, by Darren HollidayRuddy Darter, by Darren HollidayMale Common Darter, by Darren HollidayTree Sparrow, by Nick BrischukNuthatch, by Nick BrischukSpotted Flycatcher, by Nick BrischukPainted Lady, by Darren HollidayWall Brown, by Darren HollidayBrown Argus, by Darren HollidayPainted Lady, by Darren HollidayBrown Argus, by Darren HollidayWhitethroat, by Paul D’ArcyLong Tailed Tit, by Paul D’ArcyBlue Tit, by Paul D’ArcyTree Sparrow, by Paul D’ArcyNuthatch, by Paul D’ArcyGreat Tit, by Paul D’ArcyBanded Demoiselle, by David MitchellOtter from the Riverside Hide, by Darren HollidayCrab Spider Xysticus cristatus, by Trevor BakerCrab Spider Xysticus cristatus, by Trevor BakerLong-legged Fly Dolichopididae sp, by Trevor BakerSlender-footed Robberfly Leptarthrus brevirostris, by Trevor BakerDance Fly Empis tessellata, by Trevor BakerDance Fly Empis tessellata, by Trevor BakerDownlooker Snipefly Rhagio scolopaceus, by Trevor BakerStretch Spider with Prey Tetragnatha extensa, by Trevor BakerLarge Fleck-winged Snipefly Rhagio notatus, by Trevor BakerYellow-legged Water-snipefly Atherix ibis, by Trevor BakerGraphomya maculata, by Trevor BakerClick Beetle Hemicrepidus hirtus, by Trevor BakerCommon Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha Fulva, by Trevor BakerHoverfly Scaeva selenitica, by Trevor BakerHoverfly Scaeva selenitica, by Trevor BakerHoverfly Scaeva selenitica, by Trevor BakerPicture-winged Fly Terellia tussilaginis, by Trevor BakerRook, by Trevor BakerNuthatch, by Trevor BakerKingfisher, by Trevor BakerRedwing, by Paul NeweyStoat, by Steve BlackFieldfare, by Paul NeweyCock Pheasant, by Mark HutchinsonHen Pheasant, by Mark HutchinsonGreat Tit, by Mark HutchinsonGrey Squirrel, by Mark HutchinsonGuinea Fowl, by Mark HutchinsonGreat Spotted Woodpecker, by Mark HutchinsonYellowhammers, by Mark HutchinsonBlue Tit, by Mark HutchinsonBlack-headed Gull on Ice, by Paul NeweyTeal, by Paul NeweyPied Wagtail, by Paul NeweyCoal Tit, by Paul NeweyGoosander, by Paul Newey
We welcome photos taken at the Reserve by members and visitors, and these can be sent to We take steps to verify the identification of the species photographed but given the difficulty of identifying some species solely from a photograph we acknowledge that errors might occur from time to time. If you believe that some IDs are incorrect please let us know.
Great to see a brambling at High Batts.
Great to see so many cracking photos, will have to get some of mine sent in