Bat at High Batts Open Day 2019

In addition to the formal survey work undertaken by volunteers, we encourage all members and visitors to record their observations.

This data provides a historical record of species on the Reserve, which contributes to regional and national records allowing analysis of trends in populations. It can reveal changes in the status of wildlife, the effects of climate change and help determine conservation strategies.

How to submit observation records

Submitting your records is easy. There are folders in the hides on the Reserve with recording forms and advice on how to complete them.

In order to get a full picture of what is happening in our recording area we welcome all records, not just unusual or rare sightings. Give as much information as you can such as the number of a particular species you have seen and where about it was, for example if it was on the bird feeders near the Pond Hide.

We also welcome written notes not on the official forms, and particularly photographs. The chart below tells you how to submit them. All records go to the appropriate Species Recorder for collation and inclusion in our annual reports.

Recording sheetsLeave in the folders in the hides, or send to High Batts, c/o 5 Watermill Close, North Stainley, Ripon, HG4 3LD
Written notesAs for recording sheets above. Please include your name and phone number in case we need more details
PhotographsEmail to with where and when the shot was taken & the weather conditions at the time

Download Recording sheets

You can download recording sheets in pdf here:

High Batts publishes an Annual Report detailing the species seen.

Species Recording Area

The Recording Area extends beyond the Reserve in order to provide a more comprehensive and accurate record of wildlife in the area – see the map below. Members and visitors have no privileged access to this wider area – access is on public roads, bridleways and public footpaths.

High Batts Recording Area