Mandarin ducks, by David Mitchell
Mandarin ducks on the pond at High Batts

We are pleased to be able to confirm that the viewing hides will open again on 17th May 2021, when the next easing of Covid restrictions comes into force.

There will be some changes to use to meet the legal requirements. Only one person, or one household or bubble, may use the small Riverside Hide at any one time; the same applies to the Lower Pond Hide.

Members from different households may use the larger hides at the same time, but must maintain social distancing and good ventilation. To facilitate this the viewing slots in the Upper Pond Hide have been reduced.

Where possible, members should keep doors open when hides are in use. Instructions for use will be provided at each hide.

As numbers using the hides will be reduced, we would ask members to be aware of others who may be waiting for spaces in hides and therefore limit visits to a reasonable timespan.

Re-Opening of the Hides

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